How to Merge Objects in JavaScript

How to Merge Objects in JavaScript

An object is frequently used to store data. Sometimes you end up with multiple data objects that you need to combine their contents. In this article, I will show you several ways to merge objects in JavaScript.

Format of an Object

An Object is a collection of key-value pairs. Let's take a look at this simple object:

const customer = {
    name: 'Jennifer',
    age: 60

Both name and age are the keys of the object. The key name has a value of Jennifer and the key age has a value of 60.

Merging Objects using Object.assign()

The Object.assign() static method copies all enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a target object. It returns the modified target object.

Here is the syntax:

Object.assign(target, ...sources)

Using Object.assign does not create a new object. Instead, it copies all the source objects into the target object. Let's look at an example.

const target = { name: 'Jennifer', age: 60 };
const source = { city: 'Athens', state: 'GA' };

Object.assign(target, source);

console.log(target); // { name: 'Jennifer', age: 60, city: 'Athens', state: 'GA' }

What If There Are Duplicate Key-Value Pairs?

It is possible that the source and target objects have a key that are the same. In that case, the source object value overwrites the value in the target object.

Let's look at an example:

const target = { name: 'Jennifer', age: 60, 'city': 'Atlanta' };
const source = { city: 'Athens', state: 'GA' };

Object.assign(target, source);

console.log(target); // { name: 'Jennifer', age: 60, city: 'Athens', state: 'GA' }

What If You Have More Than 2 Objects to Merge?

You are not limited to merging just 2 objects with Object.assign. If you have more than 2 then you just list multiple source objects.

Here is an example:

const target = { name: 'Jennifer', age: 60 };
const source1 = { city: 'Athens', state: 'GA' };
const source2 = { country: 'USA' }

Object.assign(target, source1, source2);

console.log(target); // { name: 'Jennifer', age: 60, city: 'Athens', state: 'GA', country: 'USA' }

NOTE: If you have duplicate key-value pairs with multiple objects, the object that is furthest right in the formula will have its value assigned to the key that is duplicated.

Here is an example:

const target = { name: 'Jennifer', age: 60 };
const source1 = { city: 'Athens', state: 'GA' };
const source2 = { name: 'Anne', country: 'USA' }

Object.assign(target, source1, source2);

console.log(target); // { name: 'Anne', age: 60, city: 'Athens', state: 'GA', country: 'USA' }

Merging Objects using the Spread ... Operator

The spread operator was introduced in ES6. It can be used to merge two or more objects. Unlike Object.assign(), the spread operator will create a new Object.

Here is an example:

const target = { name: 'Jennifer', age: 60 };
const source = { city: 'Athens', state: 'GA' };

const newObject = {, ...source };

console.log(newObject); // { name: 'Jennifer', age: 60, city: 'Athens', state: 'GA' }

What If You Have More Than 2 Objects to Merge?

If you have more than 2 objects to. merge, just list them all using the spread operator for each object.

Here is an example:

const target = { name: 'Jennifer', age: 60 };
const source1 = { city: 'Athens', state: 'GA' };
const source2 = { country: 'USA' };

const newObject = {, ...source1, ...source2 };

console.log(newObject); // { name: 'Jennifer', age: 60, city: 'Athens', state: 'GA', country: 'USA' }

NOTE: If you have duplicate key-value pairs with multiple objects, the object that is furthest right in the formula will have its value assigned to the key that is duplicated.

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